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10 de Agosto de 2018 - 16:28:32

Next Sunday is Father\'s Day

Sharing knowledge and learning together is one of the main gifts a parent can leave to a child
Next Sunday is Father\'s Day
Andrey and Cauã study English at the same language school 
In Brazil, the second Sunday in August is marked by the celebration of Father's Day. Moments when children do homage, give gifts and thank for everything their parents did good. After all, everyone owes a lot to their heroes. But it’s not only on Father's Day that this feeling is demonstrated. It’s a love built every day. 
One of the greatest gifts a father gives a child is knowledge. Entrepreneur Andrey de Abreu, 37, is proof of this. He shares with his son Cauã, 8 years old, English classes at Wizard in Tijucas. 
When asked about having to go to class, Cauã says he goes for his father's encouragement. But he already understands that the lessons he has learned almost two years ago help him to understand some words when playing some game or watching some videos. 
"Learning English will make him have more opportunities in the future. Now he doesn’t understand it, but in a few years he will realize how important it was to have started early to learn the second language, "argues the father. Andrey says that learning English makes it easy for him to do, for example, contacts with partners he has in other countries on behalf of the business. And he is happy to share these moments of learning with his son.

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